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> Download PDF No Sense Of Decency: The Army-McCarthy Hearings: A Demagogue Falls and Television Takes Charge of American Politics, by Robert Shogan

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No Sense Of Decency: The Army-McCarthy Hearings: A Demagogue Falls and Television Takes Charge of American Politics, by Robert Shogan

No Sense Of Decency: The Army-McCarthy Hearings: A Demagogue Falls and Television Takes Charge of American Politics, by Robert Shogan

No Sense Of Decency: The Army-McCarthy Hearings: A Demagogue Falls and Television Takes Charge of American Politics, by Robert Shogan

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No Sense Of Decency: The Army-McCarthy Hearings: A Demagogue Falls and Television Takes Charge of American Politics, by Robert Shogan

"Have you no sense of decency, sir?" asked attorney Robert Welch in a climactic moment in the 1954 Senate hearings that pitted Joseph R. McCarthy against the United States Army, President Dwight Eisenhower, and the rest of the political establishment. What made the confrontation unprecedented and magnified its impact was its gavel-to-gavel coverage by television. Thirty-six days of hearings transfixed the nation. With a journalist's eye for revealing detail, Robert Shogan traces the phenomenon and analyzes television's impact on government. Despite McCarthy's fall, Mr. Shogan points out, the hearings left a major item of unfinished business—the issue of McCarthyism, the strategy based on fear, smear, and guilt by association.

  • Sales Rank: #1375917 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2009-03-01
  • Released on: 2012-08-17
  • Format: Kindle eBook

"Former Newsweek and Los Angeles Times political correspondent Shogan ... persuasively argues that the famous 1954 confrontation had a transformative effect on the nascent medium of television. ... His critiques remain sharp in the historical context of the '50s." --Kirkus Reviews, November 2008

About the Author
Robert Shogan, a former prizewinning national political correspondent for Newsweek and the Los Angeles Times, has also written Backlash: The Killing of the New Deal; Bad News; Constant Conflict; Hard Bargain; Riddle of Power; The Fate of the Union; and The Battle of Blair Mountain. He lives in Chevy Chase, Maryland.

Most helpful customer reviews

9 of 11 people found the following review helpful.
Fast moving history
By Thomas Paul
In the Spring of 1954, Senator Joe McCarthy was one of the most feared men in Washington. In the Summer of 1954, McCarthy had lost his power and no one was afraid of him. What happened in between was the Army-McCarthy hearings and why the hearings changed everything was because they were on TV. For thirty-six days, America got to see Joe McCarthy and what they saw they didn't like. His fall from grace in the eyes of America gave the Senate the nerve to censure him.

This is the story of those hearings but more it is the story of how television changed the world. The book starts with an introduction to McCarthy and how he came to power by using accusations of communism without actually finding any communists. It also introduces us to how early television covered the news and how the first televised Congressional hearings (the Kefauver organized crime hearings) changed how the public viewed Congress. But all this leads to a detailed look at the Army-McCarthy hearings and how McCarthy's massive ego led to his downfall.

The book is very well written by a journalist turned historian. Far from a dry historical outlook, the book is written as a fascinating, fast moving (less than 300 pages) view of a few short months of American history. Shogan then ties those events to today showing how TV news has and hasn't changed through Vietnam, Watergate, and 9/11. I can recommend this book to anyone interested in the topic.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
McCarthy vs McCARTHY
By Bob Stoner
The Army-McCarthy hearings in 1954 were a tragedy in that thousands of hours and large amounts of money were wasted on something that made a carnival of the U.S. political system. If the story was written as a novel it would have been dismissed as something that could not happen in America. McCarthy was not able to get his way with the Army so he did what any demagogue would do. He lied and said that the Army was filled with spies and subversives. He knew that a big lie would be trumpeted by the press without anyone asking questions-a problem that still occurs in the press today.
The use of television for the Senate hearings, except for the Kefauver hearings, was new. The whole country was able to see the disgusting behavior of the ill tempered and uncivil senator from Wisconsin. Mr. Welch, counsel for the Army, waited for the inevitable moment when Mr. McCarthy would skewer himself even further and asked whether or not the senator had a sense of decency. The answer for the whole country was that he did not.
At the end of the book Mr. Shogan discusses the role of television in politics and gives a good review of its strengths and weaknesses. Mr. Shogan points out that the problem of McCarthyism was not solved by Mr. Welch or the aftermath of the hearings.
The contemporary demagogues are ramping up their anti-Muslim crusades. Will the lessons of the McCarthy debacle be acted upon or will they be allowed to become McCarthy-like politicians and cause irreparable damage to America?

4 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Not a review, but a comment
By DCBookLover
The famous and damning words directed to Joseph McCarthy, "Have you no sense of decency?" were not spoken by Robert Welch, as stated in the product review, but by Joseph N. Welch. Robert Welch was a far-right conservative who founded the John Birch Society. Joseph N. Welch, a life-long Republican, was a partner at Hale and Door law firm in Boston.

See all 6 customer reviews...

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> Download PDF No Sense Of Decency: The Army-McCarthy Hearings: A Demagogue Falls and Television Takes Charge of American Politics, by Robert Shogan Doc

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