Jumat, 11 Desember 2015

## Get Free Ebook Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Integrated Foundations Of Pharmacy), by Jill Barber, Chris Rostron

Get Free Ebook Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Integrated Foundations Of Pharmacy), by Jill Barber, Chris Rostron

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Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Integrated Foundations Of Pharmacy), by Jill Barber, Chris Rostron

Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Integrated Foundations Of Pharmacy), by Jill Barber, Chris Rostron

Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Integrated Foundations Of Pharmacy), by Jill Barber, Chris Rostron

Get Free Ebook Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Integrated Foundations Of Pharmacy), by Jill Barber, Chris Rostron

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Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Integrated Foundations Of Pharmacy), by Jill Barber, Chris Rostron

Taking medication is a common occurrence for many people, whether it is to soothe an aching head, regulate blood sugars, or to treat life threatening conditions, such as HIV or cancer. In the UK alone, over 900 million prescriptions are dispensed every year. Overseeing all of this are pharmacists: experts in medicines and their use.

The Integrated Foundations of Pharmacy series supports those who are at the beginning of their journey to become a pharmacist. The reader will begin to understand how a drug molecule is made; the process that turns it into a medicine; the role the pharmacist has when dispensing that medicine; and what happens in the body when it is taken. Most importantly, the series shows how each of these aspects are integrated, reflecting the most up-to-date teaching practices.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry provides a wide-ranging overview of organic chemistry as applied to the study and practice of pharmacy. Drugs are simply chemicals, so to fully understand their manufacture, formulation, and the way they work in our bodies, an understanding of organic compounds and their reactions is essential.

Online Resource Centre
The Online Resource Centre to accompany Pharmaceutical Chemistry features:

For registered adopters of the book:
- Figures from the book, available to download.

For students:
- Self-assessment questions to help the reader to check and reinforce understanding of the material introduced in each chapter.
- Related addtional resources.

  • Sales Rank: #2647249 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2013-07-25
  • Released on: 2013-07-25
  • Format: Kindle eBook

An excellent textbook. Conveys difficult pieces of information in a manner that is light and friendly; especially to students who are relatively new to the subject. I enjoy how the book takes an integrated approach to learning; navigating the reader towards different chapters that have relatable scientific information. Sokar Salam, student, University of Bradford I found the layout of the textbook made it much more user friendly than others and would make the transition to University work much easier and less daunting. It was good to see pages for abbreviations. This makes it clearer to use and even enables you to remember them better. Jake Doherty, student, UCLan

About the Author

Dr. Jill Barber studied Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge and completed a PhD in Bioorganic Chemistry at the same university in 1980. She then spent five years in some of the oldest universities in Europe, learning Biochemistry, German, and Renaissance Music. She settled in Manchester in 1986, with a permanent position in the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Her research focuses on drugs that inhibit protein synthesis and she teaches chemotherapy and its underlying chemistry and biochemistry. She has published several teaching-related research papers about the factors influencing student success.

Dr. Chris Rostron graduated in Pharmacy from Manchester University and completed a PhD in Medicinal Chemistry at Aston University. He gained Chartered Chemist status in 1975. After a period of post-doctoral research he was appointed as a lecturer in Medicinal Chemistry at Liverpool Polytechnic. He is now an Honorary Research Fellow in the School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences at Liverpool John Moores University. He was a member of the Academic Pharmacy Group Committee of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain and chairman for five years. He is currently chairman of the Academic Pharmacy Forum and deputy chair of the Education Expert Advisory Panel of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society. He is an external examiner in Medicinal Chemistry at a number of schools of pharmacy both in the UK and abroad. In 2008 he was awarded honorary membership of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain for services to pharmacy education.

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## Get Free Ebook Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Integrated Foundations Of Pharmacy), by Jill Barber, Chris Rostron Doc

## Get Free Ebook Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Integrated Foundations Of Pharmacy), by Jill Barber, Chris Rostron Doc
## Get Free Ebook Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Integrated Foundations Of Pharmacy), by Jill Barber, Chris Rostron Doc

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