Senin, 21 April 2014

!! Ebook Negotiation for Purchasing Professionals, by Jonathan O'Brien

Ebook Negotiation for Purchasing Professionals, by Jonathan O'Brien

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Negotiation for Purchasing Professionals, by Jonathan O'Brien

Negotiation for Purchasing Professionals, by Jonathan O'Brien

Negotiation for Purchasing Professionals, by Jonathan O'Brien

Ebook Negotiation for Purchasing Professionals, by Jonathan O'Brien

Negotiation For Purchasing Professionals, By Jonathan O'Brien. Eventually, you will discover a new journey as well as expertise by spending more cash. Yet when? Do you think that you need to acquire those all demands when having much money? Why do not you try to get something straightforward in the beginning? That's something that will lead you to recognize even more regarding the world, experience, some places, history, home entertainment, and also much more? It is your own time to continue reading routine. One of guides you could take pleasure in now is Negotiation For Purchasing Professionals, By Jonathan O'Brien below.

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Negotiation for Purchasing Professionals, by Jonathan O'Brien

Highly effective negotiation skills are an essential element of a purchasing professional's toolkit. Negotiation for Purchasing Professionals provides a step-by-step approach to delivering winning negotiations and getting game changing results. It provides purchasers with the necessary tools and tactics for a detailed, planned approach to negotiation.

Jonathan O'Brien shifts the emphasis away from relying mostly upon personality to a more structured approach that enables anyone to negotiate effectively, even when up against a formidable opponent. This approach allows the purchasing professional or the buying team to evaluate the supplier in advance, assess the sales team, and tailor their negotiation strategy depending on cultural differences, personality traits and game theory. Negotiation for Purchasing Professionals provides a strong framework for discussion in advance of the meeting, allowing the negotiator to plan their agenda, objectives and tactics. The book is based upon Red Sheet Methodology, a proven and collaborative technique used by many companies globally.

If you are in a buying role, this book will increase your confidence and transform your ability to secure winning outcomes and better business results.

Negotiation for Purchasing Professionals was short listed for the ACA-Bruel Prize and was Specially Commended at the Gala Dinner 2013 organised by the Association of Purchasing and Supply Chain (CESA) of HEC School of Management in Paris.

Negotiation for Purchasing Professionals is the perfect companion to Jonathan O'Brien's other books Category Management in Purchasing and Supplier Relationship Management. Used together, they provide a complete and powerful strategic purchasing toolkit.

  • Sales Rank: #949546 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2013-08-03
  • Released on: 2013-08-03
  • Format: Kindle eBook

"This book is groundbreaking..The vital subjects of planning, communicating verbally and non-verbally, dealing with tactics and understanding those with whom we negotiate are covered in detail." (Professor John Potter, CEO John Potter Global)

"Highly effective negotiation skills are an essential element of a purchasing professional's toolkit. The book provides a novel, detailed and comprehensive approach to the art of negotiation in a practical, easy-to-digest format." (Gerry Tominey, CPO Associated British Foods)

"If you are in a buying role, Jonathan's advice will increase your confidence and transform your ability to secure winning outcomes for business results as it has for us, even when up against a formidable opponent." (Joe Dudas, Vice Chair Category Management Mayo Clinic)

About the Author

Jonathan O’Brien is CEO of Positive Purchasing Ltd., an international purchasing consulting firm and training provider. He has worked all over the world helping global organizations increase their purchasing capabilities. He is also the author of Category Management in Purchasing and Supplier Relationship Management (both published by Kogan Page).

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
OK as an overview of negotiation, very little practical value for purchasing professionals
By MythBuster DownUnder
I had high hopes of this (expensive) paperback, since there are very few (if any) contemporary books dedicated to negotiation from the buyers' perspective. Alas, this book disappointed me on many (all) fronts.

1. This book provides an OK review of negotiation, but very bland and far from comprehensive or cohesive. It is a messy hodge-podge of topics and issues. While the Red Sheet methodology and its 4 sections (S.T.E.P.) provide some unifying framework, the book would certainly benefit from a critical editor and his/her Red Ink methodology!

However, there are very few practical and specific issues that directly relate to purchasing and procurement functions. Therefore the title is misleading. Seasoned professionals such as myself will find nothing of interest here, while young purchasing professionals will be overwhelmed by 350 or so pages and a myriad of steps and "models".

2. There are 6 framed practical examples in boxes (presumable important). Of those only half are purchasing examples (pages 206, 298 and 304), the other three have nothing to do with purchasing (pages 159, 162, 165)

3. Important topics of interest to most purchasing professionals, such as negotiating simultaneously with multiple suppliers or local agents, sole-source and single-source negotiations are not covered at all (at least I could not find them in the book).

4. The style is dry and uninspiring. It reads like a textbook, academic style is used, such as 'Karrass (1996) states "in life you don get what you deserve, ..."')as if Karrass' book is a seminal work! I had to force myself to keep reading.

5. The structure of the book (and by that I mean the order of the chapters) is weird and methodologically unsound. Things just don't follow a they should and there is no flow between chapters. For instance, "Defining outcomes", in other words deciding what you want and setting your negotiating goals (one of the first things you need to do in every negotiation) is the title of Chapter 9. The preceding is chapter 8, titled "Game theory in negotiation". "Negotiating across cultures" is chapter 5, followed by the chapter called "Power".

6. There is a plethora of doubtful "models", all given strange acronyms, some that mean nothing (RACI, RAQSCI), others that are easy to remember (SOAP, ACE, STEP, COW) but there is so many of them that it starts getting blurred after a while.

In conclusion, I wasted $50 or so, should be able to claim it on tax as a legitimate business expense, although it is anything but.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
A comprehensive manual
By E. J. Akhurst
This is a user-friendly guide to negotiation that, although employing catchy acronyms, places these firmly in context, using a theoretical base supported by experience from the field.

I was interested in whether the author is a training specialist or a procurement professional, and on finding out more I was pleased to discover that he has an important body of work in both, as well as being an author.

Having spent 15 years in procurement and now working abroad and in two languages and across cultures, I was particularly interested in reading the section that pertains to cross-cultural negotiation. There are numerous methodologies, laid out step-to-step, which is invaluable in the field, where purely understanding the theories isn't enough, one has to be able to apply them, at times under pressure. Having said that, a key theme in the book is good preparation.

This work contains a number of alternative (or complementary) models. It is aimed at those who are already practising in the field, for whom it is a rich resource. A must-read for those who need to apply purchasing theory across different domains, or as a resource for an in-office team library.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
A comprehensive coverage of the topic
By Erik
Jonathan O'Brien covers Negotiation as Sourcing professionals understand it - an end-to-end process with multiple embedded events. Many think of negotiations as simple meetings and enter them without adequate preparation and forethought about the goals, methods and consequences. This work covers all of the related topics with clarity and it will be useful in all sorts of negotiation contexts.

Extensive coverage is given in the book about motivations and related personality and cultural indicators. These insights are invaluable in the world of global commerce and are magnified when implications of in-person and virtual interactions are considered. This is not a quick, superficial read. The first reading will yield a number of insights that will grow through application, reflection and re-reading. This book is on a par with Peter Block's Flawless Consulting in this regard.

See all 6 customer reviews...

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!! Ebook Negotiation for Purchasing Professionals, by Jonathan O'Brien Doc

!! Ebook Negotiation for Purchasing Professionals, by Jonathan O'Brien Doc

!! Ebook Negotiation for Purchasing Professionals, by Jonathan O'Brien Doc
!! Ebook Negotiation for Purchasing Professionals, by Jonathan O'Brien Doc

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