Kamis, 08 Mei 2014

## Fee Download Plant Breeding for the Home Gardener: How to Create Unique Vegetables and Flowers, by Joseph Tychonievich

Fee Download Plant Breeding for the Home Gardener: How to Create Unique Vegetables and Flowers, by Joseph Tychonievich

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Plant Breeding for the Home Gardener: How to Create Unique Vegetables and Flowers, by Joseph Tychonievich

Plant Breeding for the Home Gardener: How to Create Unique Vegetables and Flowers, by Joseph Tychonievich

Plant Breeding for the Home Gardener: How to Create Unique Vegetables and Flowers, by Joseph Tychonievich

Fee Download Plant Breeding for the Home Gardener: How to Create Unique Vegetables and Flowers, by Joseph Tychonievich

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Plant Breeding for the Home Gardener: How to Create Unique Vegetables and Flowers, by Joseph Tychonievich

Brighter zinnias, fragrant carnations, snappier green beans

Plant Breeding for the Home Gardener makes it easier than ever to breed and grow your own varieties of vegetables and flowers. This comprehensive and accessible guide explains how to decide what to breed, provides simple explanations on how to cross plants, and features a basic primer on genetics and advanced techniques. Case studies provide breeding examples for favorite plants like daffodils, hollyhocks, roses, sweet corn, and tomatoes.

  • Sales Rank: #909002 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2013-03-12
  • Released on: 2013-03-12
  • Format: Kindle eBook

From Booklist
Home gardeners seeking to breed customized vegetables and flowers will find much to treasure here, as Tychonievich describes the literal fruits of reviving an ancient art by repeatedly choosing preferred plantings to develop rather than settling for commercial varieties with least-common-denominator qualities. After a brief history of plant breeding, he proceeds to outline detailed and knowledgeable steps to follow, including goal setting, the basics of cross-pollination (starting with flower anatomy), genetic-trait selection, and patterns of inheritance. All are applied to backyard gardening as he introduces a personal touch by evaluating and narrowing selection and covers such advanced techniques as restoring fertility. Perhaps most directly useful are the specific examples of applications he offers, from hollyhocks to zinnias, beans, lettuce, and other familiar garden plantings. Occasional line drawings complement the text on developing these “new heirlooms” via controlled selection, while appendix materials include an index plus listings of recommended readings, useful websites, and plant sources. Those interested in plant genetics and advanced gardeners will cheer. --Whitney Scott


“New and seasoned gardeners will appreciate this nicely presented book. It could even spur caregivers or teachers to get kids into the garden, growing their very own varieties of vegetables.” —Library Journal

“Home gardeners seeking to breed customized vegetables and flowers will find much to treasure here. Those interested in plant genetics and advanced gardeners will cheer.” —Booklist

“Gardener[s] will also be thankful that a skilled geneticist with a green thumb and a heart for the average citizen has opened up a universe of horticultural possibility.” —Publishers Weekly

“It’s a gift to be able to break such technical things down and present them in a way that’s not only fascinating, but also in language simple enough that you don’t need a degree in horticulture to understand it.” —Horticulture

From the Back Cover
It’s the holy grail of gardening: a plant that perfectly matches your tastes and the conditions in your garden. The hitch is, you’re not likely to find it at your local nursery or garden center. You’re going to have to create it yourself.

But don’t worry—it isn’t hard. After all, gardeners have been doing it for centuries, simply by saving seed of the varieties that tasted or performed best. But you’ll get even better results by following the advice in Plant Breeding for the Home Gardener.

You’ll learn how to set achievable goals in your breeding program; the ins and outs of genetics (in non-technical language!); how to pick the best parent plants; how to cross-pollinate; the best techniques to use for popular vegetables and flowers; and how to harvest and store seed.

In no time at all, you’ll be producing a tastier tomato, a perkier pepper, or a more ravishing rose!

Most helpful customer reviews

21 of 22 people found the following review helpful.
Good not great
By Oxenmantim
Synopsis- A nice brief overview of plant breeding. It explains plant breeding and genetics in an accessible, non-technical way. The problem being that the author tries so hard to avoid using scientific terms and technical jargon that it lessens the books value as a reference.

I recently learned of this book and since I still had some birthday gift-cards burning holes in my wallet, I had to find out what it had to offer. I particularly wanted to compare it with Breed Your Own Vegetable Varieties: The Gardener's & Farmer's Guide to Plant Breeding & Seed Saving by Carol Deppe, a book that changed my life. I think the comparison of the two books is very relevant since they largely cover the same topic, how anyone can breed plants for their own use and enjoyment in their own backyards. I've owned "Plant Breeding for the Home Gardener" for two days and have just finished it. After reading it, I have to say that this is a good book, but Deppe's book is by comparison a GREAT book. Both books have their strengths and both are absolutely worth reading, but this is the lesser, lighter of the two.

What I suspect Mr. Tychonievich was trying to do with this book was make plant breeding accessible to any gardener without intimidating them with high-falutin' language. He does this by trying to simplify plant breeding and genetics into common language and using a many analogies rather than resorting to scientific or genetic jargon. This is a valid approach, and he makes the point several times that you can be a plant breeder without knowing anything about genetics. History is on his side, every major crop species ever domesticated was done so by people that almost certainly couldn't read.

The problem with his approach is that he has to bend over backwards many times to avoid using any "technical language" that might frighten readers away. This is most apparent in chapter 4 "Genetics Made Easy; and Why it Matters". He starts out comparing genes to cookie recipes, which is a fine analogy. Then he jumps quickly to a brief mention of Gregor Mendel and his classic pea heredity experiments, then back to the cookies. Then we get another analogy about the children a Japanese person and a Swede might create, then Border Collies, then back to the cookies again. All those clever analogies and he still can't explain basic genetic principles without resorting to a few genetics words like heterozygous and homozygous. Some important scientific terms are very useful in explaining genetics because the words have precise meanings that analogies can only dance around. I feel this would be a better book if Mr. Tychonievich would USE more of the correct scientific jargon, define it clearly, and then apply those terms to clarify his points. Mr. Tychonievich has a degree in plant breeding and genetics, he KNOWS this stuff. It is clear that omitting the technical language was a deliberate choice, in my opinion he went to far and weakened the book's usefulness.

This book would be a great library book in the gardening section. An avid gardener might read it and become intrigued to begin some small plant breeding efforts. Once they get hooked on breeding their own plants however, this book is going to fail them because it lacks sufficient specific information to make it worth returning too. By comparison I refer back to Deppe's book constantly for a variety of information.

That isn't to say that this book doesn't have its strong points in comparison to Deppe's. One of them is it's broader scope. Mr. Tychonievich doesn't limit himself to food crops the way Ms. Deppe does. There is a strong emphasis on ornamental plants, particularly flowers, which is totally lacking in Ms. Deppe's work. In chapter 7 where he gives specific examples of plant breeding with different plants, he covers far more ornamentals than food species. A gardener who is mainly interested in flowers and ornamental plants may find this very compelling.

I hope that after reading this review I have not given anyone the impression that I dislike this book. I think it is a good book, but that it could be much better. I also feel that Mr. Tychonievich is a great writer and clearly loves plants and plant breeding. I encourage him to keep writing, and when the time comes to revise this book, to do so with more boldness. Anyone who loves plants enough to want to breed them and make them better will not be afraid of a few big words. Expand this book, complete with more concrete details and examples. Tell us about the results of the many and various breeding projects that have only been mentioned in passing in this version.

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Not a dry reference text
By R. Price
No, you won't find a lot of scientific jargon in this book. What you will find is a very readable, enjoyable & tremendously inspiring book. Power to the Gardeners! Highly recommended.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Good Introduction
By A. C. Jokela
I really enjoyed reading this book. It was a quick read and gave a good low-jargon introduction to backyard-breeding of plants. Tychonievich's enthusiasm was apparent, but there was the perception that he was trying extremely hard not to drown the read with scientific terms. The book gives a broad spectrum treatment to the topic and leaves the reader wanting a more in depth look at the topic.

See all 23 customer reviews...

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## Fee Download Plant Breeding for the Home Gardener: How to Create Unique Vegetables and Flowers, by Joseph Tychonievich Doc

## Fee Download Plant Breeding for the Home Gardener: How to Create Unique Vegetables and Flowers, by Joseph Tychonievich Doc

## Fee Download Plant Breeding for the Home Gardener: How to Create Unique Vegetables and Flowers, by Joseph Tychonievich Doc
## Fee Download Plant Breeding for the Home Gardener: How to Create Unique Vegetables and Flowers, by Joseph Tychonievich Doc

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