Rabu, 28 Mei 2014

> PDF Download Intimacy in Prayer: Wisdom from Bernard of Clairvaux (Classic Wisdom Collection), by Bernard of Clairvaux

PDF Download Intimacy in Prayer: Wisdom from Bernard of Clairvaux (Classic Wisdom Collection), by Bernard of Clairvaux

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Intimacy in Prayer: Wisdom from Bernard of Clairvaux (Classic Wisdom Collection), by Bernard of Clairvaux

Intimacy in Prayer: Wisdom from Bernard of Clairvaux (Classic Wisdom Collection), by Bernard of Clairvaux

Intimacy in Prayer: Wisdom from Bernard of Clairvaux (Classic Wisdom Collection), by Bernard of Clairvaux

PDF Download Intimacy in Prayer: Wisdom from Bernard of Clairvaux (Classic Wisdom Collection), by Bernard of Clairvaux

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Intimacy in Prayer: Wisdom from Bernard of Clairvaux (Classic Wisdom Collection), by Bernard of Clairvaux

How can I have a more intimate relationship with God through prayer? In these selections from his sermons on the Song of Songs, Bernard awakens us to God’s tender embrace and God’s desire to have his affection reciprocated.

  • Sales Rank: #1233495 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2013-08-15
  • Released on: 2013-07-18
  • Format: Kindle eBook

About the Author
Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153) stands among the rare handful of men and women gifted with true insight into the unseen, supernatural world. Known throughout the medieval church as a "spiritual doctor," he was given both a spectacular vision of angels and the wisdom to understand their purposes among men.

Ephrem Arcement, OSB, is a monk of St. Joseph Abbey in Louisiana. He earned his PhD in spirituality from The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, and currently teaches courses in Scripture and spirituality at St. Joseph Seminary College. His first book, "Intimacy in Prayer: Wisdom from Bernard of Clairvaux", appeared in 2013.

Most helpful customer reviews

12 of 12 people found the following review helpful.
Draw closer to God with this book
By Stuart Dunn
In my recent readings on western monasticism, I was introduced to St. Bernard of Clairvaux. Before that, I thought he was just another saint in a long line of saints about whom I knew nothing. I learned that he wrote a treatise entitled "The Steps of Humility and Pride," which I consider life-changing. I also learned that he preached 86 sermons on the Song of Songs, before he died. 86 sermons on an eight chapter book, and he still didn't finish the entire book! Intimacy in Prayer: Wisdom from Bernard of Clairvaux contains excerpts from these 86 sermons and some of his treatises in order to better explain the soul's search for intimacy with God in prayer.

This book is under 100 pages and divided into 23 different chapters. Each chapter is three to four pages long. With this layout, one can easily read the book in less than a month by simply reading a chapter a day. I would recommend picking a consistent time reading it each day to develop a habit, and so that you will stick with it. If you read upon waking, your whole day will be pointed toward God. If you do it before you go to bed, you can accompany it with an Examination of Conscience and a reflection upon your whole day. There are tons of ways to read this book. The key is to actually read it!

I particularly enjoyed the brief chapter called, "Alone with God." As a lay person, I have often felt a longing to be closer to God. I believe sometimes that just getting away from everyone and everything and focusing on God, like monastics, would help accomplish this. I know this is not possible due to the responsibilities of my life and vocation. St. Bernard, thankfully, helped spell things out for me. He said, "You must withdraw mentally rather than physically, in your intention, in your devotion, in your spirit. For Christ the Lord is a spirit before your face, and he demands solitude of the spirit more than of the body, although physical withdrawal can be of benefit when the opportunity offers, especially in time of prayer."

This is a 5 star book that provides the reader with a small sample of the beauty of the Song of Songs mixed with the wisdom of St. Bernard of Clairvaux. It provided me with a deeper comprehension of this often misunderstood book of the Bible, and it also increased my appreciation for a saint about whom I am just starting to learn. If you are looking to draw closer to God in prayer, and honestly, who isn't, I would recommend this book to you.

See all 1 customer reviews...

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> PDF Download Intimacy in Prayer: Wisdom from Bernard of Clairvaux (Classic Wisdom Collection), by Bernard of Clairvaux Doc
> PDF Download Intimacy in Prayer: Wisdom from Bernard of Clairvaux (Classic Wisdom Collection), by Bernard of Clairvaux Doc

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